Log College MS Title I

Title I Schoolwide Programming
Centennial School District's Title I funds are used to finance supplemental educational services, in reading/language arts and math, to students in Log College Middle School. For a copy of the building's most recent plan, please see below:
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Parent and Family Engagement, Compacts, & Policies
As an outcome of Log College Middle School's Title I Schoolwide status, LCMS parents are invited to review, evaluate, and/or provide feedback for potential revisions to any number of the following:
Completed Title I Application*
LCMS Title I Parent & Family Engagement Funds and Activities
In order to access any of the documents above in a language that best meets your needs, please click the link above and use the Translate dropdown at the top left of the webpage.
To access our District Title I-related policies, please visit the Board Policies section of our website and click on the BoardDocs Icon to take you to the Centennial's public BoardDocs section of the website. Here, you can search for:
Policy 801: District Public Records [Right to Know] Policy 801
Policy 917: District Parental/Family Engagement Policy
Policy 918: District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy and the accompanying Administrative Regulations (ARs)
*Your building Principal will be setting up and communicating a time for review of the Completed Title I Application.
Please use the form below to provide feedback on any of the items listed above:
In order to access any of the documents above or below in a language that best meets your needs, please visit Google Translate and click on Documents to upload the link or the document you would like translated. This service supports hyperlinks, .docx, .pdf, .pptx, or .xlsx documents. Please note that Google Translate may contain some inaccuracies based on dialect.
Parent and Family Engagement Resources & Activities
Please see the District Office of Teaching and Learning webpage for resources, activities, and other opportunities for parents and families to engage with our Log College Middle School community.