Parent Compact and Family Engagement Policy

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School-Parent and Family Compact / School-Parent and Family Engagement Policy

School-Parent and Family Compact

The Centennial School District, and the Log College Middle School parents and family members of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA), agree that this compact, which has been jointly developed with parents and family members, outlines how the parents and family members, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.


Log College Middle School is committed to supporting student learning by:

  • Providing high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students participating in Title I programs to meet the state academic standards.

  • Addressing the importance of communication between teachers, parents, and family members on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum:

    • At least annually, parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, during which the compact shall be discussed as the compact relates to the individual student’s achievement.

    • Frequent reports to parents and family members on their child’s progress.

    • Reasonable access to staff, and

    • Ensuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff, including providing information and school reports in a format and in a language that the parent and family member can understand.

  • Providing parents and family members opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities.

  • Treating each student with dignity and respect.

  • Striving to address the individual needs of each student.

  • Acknowledging that parents and family members are vital to the academic success of their children.

  • Taking steps to provide a safe, positive, and healthy learning environment.

  • Assuring that school staff communicate clear expectations for the performance of both students and parents and family members.

  • Providing professional development for staff.


As parents and family members, we are committed to supporting our children’s learning by:

  • Creating an atmosphere that supports learning by conducting activities at home to continue classroom learning.

  • Volunteering in school activities and events.

  • Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of our children and positive use of extracurricular time.

  • Attending school meetings, functions, and conferences.

  • Communicating with teachers at conferences, by phone, by email, and by attending Title I parent and family workshops.

  • Being aware of Board policies and school rules.

  • Monitoring school attendance and school arrival times.

  • Making sure that homework is completed.

  • Encouraging student involvement in school activities held during and after school.

  • Reinforcing positive behavior.


As students, we are committed to being responsible and taking ownership of learning by:

  • Coming to school each day on time and ready to learn.

  • Reading at home.

  • Completing homework assignments.

  • Taking home and returning necessary school papers and forms.

  • Maintaining a positive attitude and growth mindset.

  • Demonstrating mutual respect and empathy towards others.

School-Parent and Family Engagement Policy

The Title I Parent and Family Engagement section of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Section 1116(b) requires each Title I school to develop a written parent and family engagement policy that describes the means for carrying out the requirements of Section 1116. The school must ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings and other activities are sent to the parents of Title I children in a format and in a language the parents can understand.  The policy must be: developed jointly with and agreed upon by parents and family members of Title I children; written in an understandable format and provided in a language parents can understand; distributed to all parents and family members of Title I children; made available to the local community; and updated annually to meet the changing needs of parents, family members, and the school. The policy describes how parents and family members will be involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the school's Parent and Family Engagement Policy (ESSA, Section 1116(b)(1)).

The administration, staff, and parents of Log College Middle School believe that the improved academic achievement of each student is a responsibility shared by the entire school community, including the school district, school, community members, school administration, staff, students, and parents (as defined for purposes of this policy to include guardians and all members of a student’s family involved in the student’s education). This policy outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.

How will the school involve parents and family members in the development of the parent and family engagement policy?

  • Log College will involve parents and family members in the development of the parent and family engagement policy through its Home and School Association.  The April meeting will serve as an open forum to make suggestions and answer questions.  Additionally, SPAC skits will be shared through the school’s newsletter.  During the meeting, LCMS will inform parents of their school’s participation as a Title I school and explain the requirements and the rights for parents to be involved (ESSA, Section 1116(c)(1)).

How will the school meet with parents and family members annually?

  • Log College will meet with parents and family members monthly both online and in person on the second Monday of each month at 7:15 through HSA Meetings

What meetings will be held at the school?

  • Log College will meet with parents and family members monthly both online and in person on the second Monday of each month at 7:15 through HSA Meetings.

How will the school inform parents and family members about the Title I program?

  • The Log College curriculum will be shared through annual presentations including 5th Grade Parent Orientation, Course Selection Night, and Back to School Night.  Additionally, Title I programs will be offered on various occasions specifically addressing curriculum and academic standards.  These currently include CPM Information Night and Springboard Information Night.

How will the school explain the curriculum, state standards, and assessments?

  • Each year, Log College’s assessment results are shared through a board-level data presentation.  Additionally, Title I programs will be offered on various occasions specifically addressing curriculum and academic standards.  These currently include CPM Information Night and Springboard Information Night.

How will the school accommodate meeting requests?

  • Log College accommodates meeting requests in multiple ways.  Formal meetings are held monthly at home and school and annually through report card conferences.  Parents may make additional requests by contacting the school office.

If applicable, how will the school meet with parents and family members to develop and discuss the Schoolwide Plan?

  • Log College’s school-parent compact is developed between parents and family members and demonstrates how the school community can assist students in achieving high standards.

  • Through electronic communication, specifically Canvas, parents have access to teacher expectations curricular materials, and syllabi. 

  • Annual back-to-school nights and parent-teacher conferences allow parents, teachers, and students to discuss how the compact relates to student development.

  • Skyward and Quarterly Progress and Marking Period Reports provide both continuous and periodic updates to academic progress.

  • Report card conferences, posted teacher numbers and email addresses make staff available to parents.

  • Parents are invited to volunteer for school trips and to chaperone school dances and other events.

  • Notifications are shared with parents in a variety of ways and are translated into the native language utilizing the school district’s E-Alert translation.

How will the school involve parents and family members in the development of the school-parent compact?

  • Parents are invited to participate in school-related events.  Springboard, CPM, and Canvas/Skyward evenings are useful training sessions for parents.  Additionally, back-to-school night offers parents and family members a first-hand look at student expectations and often the associated technology.

How will the school provide training materials to parents and family members?

  • Parents are invited to participate in school-related events.  Springboard, CPM, and Canvas/Skyward evenings are useful training sessions for parents.  Additionally, back-to-school night offers parents and family members a first-hand look at student expectations and often the associated technology.

How will the school use parents to train staff on how to work with parents as equal partners?

  • All LCMS staff view SPAC skits

How will the school coordinate with other federal, state, and local programs to include public preschool programs?

  • Log College is part of the Centennial School District, which offers full-day kindergarten

How will the school ensure information is in a language parents can understand? This should include how documents are translated.

  • Log College utilizes an e-alert system that offers automatic translation

  • A Spanish translator is available upon request at LCMS.

  • A translator form is available to request document translation.

  • LCMS utilizes Language Line for immediate translation needs or for translation needs beyond in-house translation services.

How will the school include parents and family members of English Learners?

  • LCMS is an inclusive school setting open to parents of English Language Learners.  Invitations to all events are sent in the home language via E-Alert translation.

Revised June 2023